
1. Dr. Hemanta Mochahary and Bhanu Priya Basumatary, Folk Performing Art in Kherai of the Bodos: A Case Study in Chirang District of Assam , Inclusive (UGC Care) , vol. II, ISSN:2278-9758, 198-208, [2024]
2. Phukan Ch. Basumatary, Philosophy and Religious Practices of the Bathou Religion of the Boros, Journal of Sukrtindra Oriental Research Institute, UGC Care , vol.25, 35-52, [2024]
3. Dr. Hemanta Mochahary and Bhanu Priya Basumatary, খেৰাইঃ বড়োসকলৰ এটি লোক-পৰিৱেশ্য কলা (Kherai: A Folk Performing Art of Bodos), Satsari (UGC Care) , vol.19, ISSN: 2319-8893, 58-61, [2023]
4. Phukan Ch. Basumaytary, A Structural Study on Traditional Knowledge System in Agricultural Festival Kati Gasa of the Bodos in Assam, The Journal of Oriental Research Madras, Vol. XCIII-I, Issue January MMXXII, 2022, ISSN 0022-3301, UGC care, Year 2022 , vol.Vol. XCIII-I, 25-32, [2022]
5. Phukan Ch. Basumaytary, The Women Participation in Agriculture in the Bodo Society, Vol. XCIII-I, Issue January MMXXII, 2022, ISSN 0022-3301, The Journal of Oriental Research Madras , vol.Vol. XCIII-I, 33-43, [2022]
6. Biswajit Brahma, Some Types of Food Habit and Tradition of the Bodos , Dogo Rangchang Research Journal , [2022]
7. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Folkloristic and Sociological Significance of the Cultural Terminology of the Bodos, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention , vol.10, [2021]
8. Biswajit Brahma, A Typological study on Gender of some Tibeto-Burman group of Cognate Languages, Jadavpur Journal of Languages and Linguistics , vol.4, 38-44, [2021]
9. Biswajit Brahma, Kinship Terms in Bodo and Dimasa, Working Papers on Linguistics and Literature , vol.XV, 177-83, [2021]
10. Dr. Hemanta Mochahary, Traditional Beliefs and Practices of the Bodos of Assam: An Analytical Study, Dogo Rangsang Research Journal (UGC CARE) , vol.11, [2021]
11. Dr. Hemanta Mochahary, Role of Bodo Women in Socio-Economic Development of Society: A Study in Socio-Cultural Perspectives, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research (IJMER) , vol.10, [2021],
12. Biswajit Brahma, CLASSIFIERS IN BODO AND DIMASA LANGUAGE, Dogo Rangchang Rsearch Journal , vol.11, 134-139, [2020]
13. Dr. Hemanta Mochahary, Traditional Weaving Technology of Bodo Community of Assam, Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology , vol.12, 1752-1759, [2020],
14. Dr. Hemanta Mochahary, Manner and place of articulations of consonant in Bodo language: A study through speech organs, International Journal of Academic Research and Development , vol.4, [2019]
15. Dr. Hemanta Mochahary, Translation Literature in Bodo Language, RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary , vol.4, 148-151, [2019]
16. Dr. Hemanta Mochahary, Traditional Culture of Bodos and Its Changes, Quest Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science , vol.7, 9-13, [2019]
17. Dr. Hemanta Mochahary, Traditional Beliefs on Magic of Bodo and Assamese: A Comparative Study, International Journal of Research Culture Society , vol.3, 77-82, [2019], DOIs:10.2017/IJRCS.2456.6683/201910016
18. Dr. Hemanta Mochahary, Contributions of Christian Missionaries towards the growth of Bodo Language and Literature, International Research Journal of Commerce , Arts and Science , vol.10, 61-67, [2019]
19. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Changes in Bodo Society and Culture as reflected in selected short stories of Nilkamal Brahma, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention , vol.7, [2018]
20. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Quest of Survival of Traditional Culture of the Boros in the Face of changing world , Review of Research , vol.6, [2017]
21. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Modernity in Bodo Culture: A Text Oriented Analysis, International Journal of research in Humanities, Arts and Literature , vol.5, 1-6 , [2017]
22. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Surname and Clan Identity in Boro Society: Sociological and Sociolinguistic View Point, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention , vol.6, 54-58 , [2017]
23. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Bodonization of some Non-Bodo Words, Journal of Humanities and Social Science , vol.12, 42-44 , [2017]
24. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Process of Negation in Boro and Rabha: A Typological Study, Review of Research , 95-101 , [2016]
25. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, KINSHIP STRUCTURE AND RELATED TERMINOLOGY OF THE BOROS: DISCUSSION FROM SOCIOLOGICAL AND LINGUISTIC VIEW POINT, International Journal of English Language Literature and Humanities , vol.Vol. IV, 111-120 , [2016]
26. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Linguistic Property of Ethno-plants in the context of Boro Society: A Survey from Linguistic View Point , Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on arts and Humanities , vol.2, 8-16, [2015], DOI:10.17501
27. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, A Typological Study of words in Kokborok Language of Tripura, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention , vol.4, 5-12, [2015]
28. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Reception and Translation of Indian Literature into Boro and Its impact in the Boro Society, International Journal of research in Humanities, Arts and Literature , 53-58 , [2015]
29. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Word Typology: Concerning the Rabha Language, International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and literature , vol.2, 149-158 , [2014]
30. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Functional Representation of Nominal affixes in Rabha Language, Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science , 28-32 , [2014]
31. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Survival of Boro Language, Ethnicity in the Face of various challenges in early period of the 20th Century, Review of Research , 1-3 , [2014]
32. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Words of Human Body parts, Birds, Animals and other Insects used among the Boro, Garo, Rabha,Dimasa and Kokborok languages, Nepalese Linguistics, Nepal , 7-11 , [2014]
33. Biswajit Brahma, Traditional Knowledge and the Bodo Dress: A Folkloristic View, Indian Stream Research Journal , vol.5, [2014]
34. Biswajit Brahma, Typical Hunting and Fishing Tradition of the Bodos of North East India, Golden Research Thoughts , vol.4, 1-6, [2014]
35. Biswajit Brahma, Traditional Knowledge and the Bodo Dress: A Folkloristic View, Indian Stream Research Journal , vol.4, 1-4, [2014]
36. Biswajit Brahma, Indigenous Knowledge on Rice Beer of the Bodos of North East India , Research Direction , vol.2, 1-5, [2014]
37. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Common methods of Number Distinction in Boro and other Cognate Languages of North-East India, US-China Foreign Language , 191-195 , [2013]
38. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Affinities in word Formation among the Bodo group of Languages, Language in India , 300-316 , [2013]
39. Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Reception of Assamese words into Boro: Morphological view point, International Journal of scientific research publications , 1-3 , [2013]
40. Biswajit Brahma, Corpus Building of Literary Lesser Richer Language Bodo: Insights and Challenges, COLING 2012 (24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics) 10th Workshop on Asian Language Resources , 29-34, [2012]
41. Biswajit Brahma, Building Multilingual Lexical Resources using WordNets: Structure, Design and Implementation, COLING 2012 (24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics) 3rd Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogAlex-III) , 161-69, [2012]
42. Biswajit Brahma, A Wordnet for Bodo Language: Structure and Development, 5th Global WordNet Conference 2010. (Proceeding) , [2010]