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About the Department

The Department of Bodo came into existence in 1994. As academic programme HS and UG course have been introduced since the inception of the department. Sri Birupaksha Giri Basumatary is the founder teacher of the department. The PG course in Bodo has been introduced in 2018. The Department looks forward to the interdisciplinary concept of teaching which is focused in the course curriculum. Respect to own identity, culture, language and literature; the global perspective is the basic motto of the course curriculum. The Department has an effort to establish the centre for ethnic studies in the near future. The vision and mission will be an impetus to the teaching-learning and research activities.

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Head of the Department

Recent Publications

  • Dr. Hemanta Mochahary and Bhanu Priya Basumatary, Folk Performing Art in Kherai of the Bodos: A Case Study in Chirang District of Assam , Inclusive (UGC Care) , vol. II, ISSN:2278-9758, 198-208, [2024]

  • Phukan Ch. Basumatary, Philosophy and Religious Practices of the Bathou Religion of the Boros, Journal of Sukrtindra Oriental Research Institute, UGC Care , vol.25, 35-52, [2024]

  • Dr. Hemanta Mochahary and Bhanu Priya Basumatary, খেৰাইঃ বড়োসকলৰ এটি লোক-পৰিৱেশ্য কলা (Kherai: A Folk Performing Art of Bodos), Satsari (UGC Care) , vol.19, ISSN: 2319-8893, 58-61, [2023]

  • Phukan Ch. Basumaytary, A Structural Study on Traditional Knowledge System in Agricultural Festival Kati Gasa of the Bodos in Assam, The Journal of Oriental Research Madras, Vol. XCIII-I, Issue January MMXXII, 2022, ISSN 0022-3301, UGC care, Year 2022 , vol.Vol. XCIII-I, 25-32, [2022]

  • Phukan Ch. Basumaytary, The Women Participation in Agriculture in the Bodo Society, Vol. XCIII-I, Issue January MMXXII, 2022, ISSN 0022-3301, The Journal of Oriental Research Madras , vol.Vol. XCIII-I, 33-43, [2022]

  • Biswajit Brahma, Some Types of Food Habit and Tradition of the Bodos , Dogo Rangchang Research Journal , [2022]

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Folkloristic and Sociological Significance of the Cultural Terminology of the Bodos, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention , vol.10, [2021]

  • Biswajit Brahma, A Typological study on Gender of some Tibeto-Burman group of Cognate Languages, Jadavpur Journal of Languages and Linguistics , vol.4, 38-44, [2021]

  • Biswajit Brahma, Kinship Terms in Bodo and Dimasa, Working Papers on Linguistics and Literature , vol.XV, 177-83, [2021]

  • Dr. Hemanta Mochahary, Traditional Beliefs and Practices of the Bodos of Assam: An Analytical Study, Dogo Rangsang Research Journal (UGC CARE) , vol.11, [2021]

  • Dr. Hemanta Mochahary, Role of Bodo Women in Socio-Economic Development of Society: A Study in Socio-Cultural Perspectives, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research (IJMER) , vol.10, [2021],

  • Biswajit Brahma, CLASSIFIERS IN BODO AND DIMASA LANGUAGE, Dogo Rangchang Rsearch Journal , vol.11, 134-139, [2020]

  • Dr. Hemanta Mochahary, Traditional Weaving Technology of Bodo Community of Assam, Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology , vol.12, 1752-1759, [2020],

  • Dr. Hemanta Mochahary, Manner and place of articulations of consonant in Bodo language: A study through speech organs, International Journal of Academic Research and Development , vol.4, [2019]

  • Dr. Hemanta Mochahary, Translation Literature in Bodo Language, RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary , vol.4, 148-151, [2019]

  • Dr. Hemanta Mochahary, Traditional Culture of Bodos and Its Changes, Quest Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science , vol.7, 9-13, [2019]

  • Dr. Hemanta Mochahary, Traditional Beliefs on Magic of Bodo and Assamese: A Comparative Study, International Journal of Research Culture Society , vol.3, 77-82, [2019], DOIs:10.2017/IJRCS.2456.6683/201910016

  • Dr. Hemanta Mochahary, Contributions of Christian Missionaries towards the growth of Bodo Language and Literature, International Research Journal of Commerce , Arts and Science , vol.10, 61-67, [2019]

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Changes in Bodo Society and Culture as reflected in selected short stories of Nilkamal Brahma, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention , vol.7, [2018]

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Quest of Survival of Traditional Culture of the Boros in the Face of changing world , Review of Research , vol.6, [2017]

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Modernity in Bodo Culture: A Text Oriented Analysis, International Journal of research in Humanities, Arts and Literature , vol.5, 1-6 , [2017]

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Surname and Clan Identity in Boro Society: Sociological and Sociolinguistic View Point, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention , vol.6, 54-58 , [2017]

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Bodonization of some Non-Bodo Words, Journal of Humanities and Social Science , vol.12, 42-44 , [2017]

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Process of Negation in Boro and Rabha: A Typological Study, Review of Research , 95-101 , [2016]

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, KINSHIP STRUCTURE AND RELATED TERMINOLOGY OF THE BOROS: DISCUSSION FROM SOCIOLOGICAL AND LINGUISTIC VIEW POINT, International Journal of English Language Literature and Humanities , vol.Vol. IV, 111-120 , [2016]

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Linguistic Property of Ethno-plants in the context of Boro Society: A Survey from Linguistic View Point , Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on arts and Humanities , vol.2, 8-16, [2015], DOI:10.17501

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, A Typological Study of words in Kokborok Language of Tripura, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention , vol.4, 5-12, [2015]

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Reception and Translation of Indian Literature into Boro and Its impact in the Boro Society, International Journal of research in Humanities, Arts and Literature , 53-58 , [2015]

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Word Typology: Concerning the Rabha Language, International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and literature , vol.2, 149-158 , [2014]

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Functional Representation of Nominal affixes in Rabha Language, Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science , 28-32 , [2014]

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Survival of Boro Language, Ethnicity in the Face of various challenges in early period of the 20th Century, Review of Research , 1-3 , [2014]

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Words of Human Body parts, Birds, Animals and other Insects used among the Boro, Garo, Rabha,Dimasa and Kokborok languages, Nepalese Linguistics, Nepal , 7-11 , [2014]

  • Biswajit Brahma, Traditional Knowledge and the Bodo Dress: A Folkloristic View, Indian Stream Research Journal , vol.5, [2014]

  • Biswajit Brahma, Typical Hunting and Fishing Tradition of the Bodos of North East India, Golden Research Thoughts , vol.4, 1-6, [2014]

  • Biswajit Brahma, Traditional Knowledge and the Bodo Dress: A Folkloristic View, Indian Stream Research Journal , vol.4, 1-4, [2014]

  • Biswajit Brahma, Indigenous Knowledge on Rice Beer of the Bodos of North East India , Research Direction , vol.2, 1-5, [2014]

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Common methods of Number Distinction in Boro and other Cognate Languages of North-East India, US-China Foreign Language , 191-195 , [2013]

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Affinities in word Formation among the Bodo group of Languages, Language in India , 300-316 , [2013]

  • Phukan Chandra Basumatary, Reception of Assamese words into Boro: Morphological view point, International Journal of scientific research publications , 1-3 , [2013]

  • Biswajit Brahma, Corpus Building of Literary Lesser Richer Language Bodo: Insights and Challenges, COLING 2012 (24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics) 10th Workshop on Asian Language Resources , 29-34, [2012]

  • Biswajit Brahma, Building Multilingual Lexical Resources using WordNets: Structure, Design and Implementation, COLING 2012 (24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics) 3rd Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogAlex-III) , 161-69, [2012]

  • Biswajit Brahma, A Wordnet for Bodo Language: Structure and Development, 5th Global WordNet Conference 2010. (Proceeding) , [2010]

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Scholarly Resources

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